Projects, projects, and more projects. We've finished landscaping the sides of our house and will eventually have everything planted once we transplant some "special" plants from our previous home in the fall. We worked diligently on this, making sure we had a border and tons of weed guard down. Then we were able to do the fun part, planting.
We are hoping that our tulip bulbs will come up next year! We bought them last spring at a fundraiser downtown. They had previously been planted at the Lynchburg Public Library.
Since we moved in the middle of summer, most of the grass that was planted, died. So, we've (mostly Justin) been working diligently on getting some grass to come up, maybe by fall?
I've been enjoying some house decorating projects, now we just to figure out where to put all of our pictures and newly painted frames? We bought this frame from the Estate Specialist shop downtown and then painted it with (French Linen) Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. I still have a ton of more painting to do in regards to furniture, hopefully we'll have some more before and after pictures to show! If you're into painting, this paint is amazing, it can be used on mainly anything! I highly recommend it and if you're living in the Lynchburg area, check out the following business who sells it, they are so helpful!
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